If you spend just a short amount of time searching Google you will find endless theories for improving your traffic through to your Blog. But the truth is all you actually want is hard facts not people that don’t have Blogs guessing where the traffic comes from. So here it is in black and white the top 5 ways to improve Blog traffic that will work not matter what kind of Blog you actually have.
We can’t pick up a newspaper or magazine without reading about what Twitter is all about and what it offers online businesses. You really can’t get any bigger as far as a traffic engines is concerned it is just like the eBay craze a few years ago where everyone was making huge profits by selling their junk. Just by putting a simple link through to your Blog as an update on Twitter can very easily add you hundreds of hits in just half an hour. If someone retweets your comment you are laughing and please don’t ignore what it has to offer your business if you don’t get Twitter research it until you do.
Commenting on Blogs
If a person reads one persons Blog they are likely to go off and then read another. Just by spending half an hour a day commenting on Blogs not only creates backlinks for you to indulge but it also brings readers directly over to your Blog. Make your comments interesting and witty this way people will want to know more about you through your Blog. Plus if your Blog doesn’t disappoint them they will return over and over again. If the Blog has a top commentators section it is even better comment about five times with totally different comments on their Blog and you will feature in their navigation giving you the best chance for traffic building.
Yahoo Answers
This is a personal favourite of mine and whenever I have ten minutes to spare I will head over to Yahoo Answers to answer a few worthy questions. There are questions on Yahoo Answers about practically everything so stick to the niche of your Blog and in the resource box at the bottom include your Blog domain. If you have a review Blog this works particularly well as you can send them to the review post and lap up all the affiliate sales.
Online Forums
The secret with forums is to limit your time when you are visiting them, half an hour a day passing around your links is a perfect balance. I spent about ten minutes on them three times a day and if someone wants information that relates to a former Blog post I will send them directly to it in general from this I can very easily add 100 to my traffic statistics without even really trying. Have a look on Google for Forums in your niche and once you have set up a profile you can spread the word about what your Blog has to offer.
Creating the best Blog titles
This really is the most important part of your Blog posts and should NEVER be forgotten. When you have a subject in mind tailor it to fit it in with some long tail Google keywords and if you do it properly you will feature in the search engines in a matter of hours adding to your traffic. I wrote a Blog post at the beginning of the year about who to follow on Twitter and it still brings me 50 hits a day through a variety of different keywords with the same main words in it. Your ultimate goal with your Blog should always be to hit Google and quality titles is the easiest way you can possibly find.
Now that you have read this article instead of just leaving it go and put these methods into practice so that you can seriously improve your Blog traffic right now.
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