Sunday, December 13, 2009
Earning Through Internet Marketing
Luke Cameron
The internet provides you the convenience you have never even imagined possible. You are able to keep in touch with relatives thousands of miles away, your children are able to do their research, you are able to monitor your bank account through a secured website and you are even able to hold video conferences. The benefits of the internet seem unlimited. Now, if you are of the entrepreneurial mind, then you will definitely see the opportunity that is being shoved right under your nose. You can make a decent amount of money through internet marketing online.
Through the internet, you have infinite income-generating opportunities. If you have a product or a skill worth selling, then you should definitely try internet marketing online. The internet is already providing you an avenue to be able to reach more people than you can ever imagine. Even more so than the people you actually converse with or market to personally. My brother and his wife have a business making souvenirs for weddings, debuts, christenings and corporate events. They have been doing very well with their regular customers within their state, but they expanded their business and put up a website. Now, their business is thriving and their customers are not limited within their state. They even have customers from several different states. This is the advantage of internet marketing online.
If you have your own business, it's about time to spread your wings and consider internet marketing online. Don't limit yourself to just a handful of clients. Through the internet, you can reach out to the world. Your product deserves to be known and so many people deserve to experience the benefit of whatever product or service you can offer. If you want to begin internet marketing online, then you might want to do some research and learn the ropes of internet marketing. In no time, your business will expand and you will definitely look back on this article and say, "I'm glad I went with the advice."
About the Author
Luke Cameron is owner of Internet Mag Inc. - an online magazine offering news, tips and articles on Internet Business related topics. His website can be found at and
Article Source:
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Improve your Search Engine Ranking
If you are an internet marketing novice, you are probably facing the seemingly impossible and somewhat daunting task of trying to get your site listed on the first page of the search engines. You probably have no idea how to improve your ranking. For the purposes of this discussion, we will outline the procedures you should follow to climb steadily to the top of the search engines, while still making sure that you attract qualified traffic that will actually be receptive to the products or services that your Website offers.
The first thing you need to understand is that your search engine ranking will not improve overnight. There are quite a few charlatans in cyberspace who work as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consultants. They will charge you an arm and a leg for their services, sometimes as much as $2,000 per month or more. They often make dubious claims that they can get you ranked on the first page of the search engines within a few months, and if not, they will kindly refund your money.
However, there is a catch. Once you pay the initial deposit and the SEO company begins working on your Website, they will often optimize your Website in such a manner so that you will be able to quickly rise to the top of the rankings for a keyword that is either not significant or will not attract any real traffic to your Website.
For example, if your Website provides auto insurance quotes, any SEO consultant knows that it will be impossible to expediently get your Website ranked on the first page of Google for a highly competitive phrase such as AUTO INSURANCE QUOTES. So, instead, they will pick a variation of that phrase, such as AUTO INSURANCE QUOTES FAST, for which there is no competition, and you will quickly rise to the top. The only problem is no one will ever actually use that precise phrase when searching for auto insurance quotes, so even though the SEO company delivered on its promise to improve your ranking, you will still not get any visitors to your Website because you will be ranked high for a keyword that no one will ever use when searching for auto insurance quotes.
So, you need to use a different approach if you want to not only improve your ranking, but also attract qualified traffic to your Website. The first thing you need to do is optimize your Website for the keywords or phrases that people actually use when searching for products or services related to what you offer. For example, if you sell vitamins, you would want to improve your ranking for the phrases BUY VITAMINS or BUY VITAMINS ONLINE. To optimize your Website for your chosen keywords, you should either hire a web designer that has experience optimizing Websites, or you should purchase search engine optimization software that will show you how to tweak your Website and how to change your HTML code so that your site is properly optimized. You should also try to have a decent amount of free content on your Website that relates to the keywords or phrases for which you want to be ranked higher.
The next step is to submit your site to the search engines, if you have not already done so. It seems silly to mention this considering that we are talking about search engines anyway, but some people actually forget to submit their Website to the engines, or only submit their site to a couple of search engines and then quit. There are hundreds of legitimate search engines and directories in cyberspace, and you should submit to all them. I recommend that you look for search engine submission companies on Google and pick one that charges a small monthly fee to submit your site to the search engines once per month.
The last step, and probably the most important component of getting ranked higher on the search engines, is increasing your link popularity. The more Websites that are linking to your site, the higher your ranking will be. To increase your link popularity, you will need to submit your Website to link exchange directories so that you can swap links with other Websites (they will link to you if you agree to link to them). Also, you can write articles and submit them to article submission directories. At the bottom of each article you write, you are allowed to include a link to your Website. As the articles you write are put into circulation and are published on other Websites, your link popularity will increase.
If you employ each of the strategies outlined in this article, you should be able to improve your search engine ranking while at the same time garnering the kind of traffic that you want. No Website can improve its ranking overnight, but if you are persistent, your efforts will be rewarded in the long run.
About the Author: Jim Pretin is the owner of, a service that helps programmers make free HTML forms.
Top | Contact us 714-400-8003 | Free Consultation
How Press Releases Can Help Drive Traffic to Your Website
Have you been trying to promote your new blog or website but can't seem to get your foot into the first page of the search rankings? If so, perhaps you are performing SEO incorrectly. Find out how press release can help boost your search rankings and get you more traffic.
Many Internet marketers neglected press releases in their SEO campaigns simply because not many marketers have been talking about using press releases for SEO purposes.
This is mainly due to the fact that most people have the conception of press releases being some kind of news related article. This is true in the traditional sense. Traditional press releases are meant to announce some kind of time sensitive story.
For example, if you are just launched a new application online, you issue a press release. Or a new shipment has just arrived and you want to let the world know that you have a batch of new products to sell.
For whatever the reason, there is always the tendency to think about press releases only when there is something new to announce. This works very well on print medium.
However, the Internet is a very different medium. On the Internet, it's not just about the story. The Internet is also about links. Just think, when you are performing SEO, what exactly are you trying to achieve?
Being clear about SEO.
Let's take a step back and be clear about SEO. If you are doing it right, you are always looking to build back links to your website. You don't want just any back links. You want links from well established sites - sites that have been recognized as authority sites by the search engines.
On top of that, you want proper anchor texts. If you are selling "baseball bats", then you want those keywords in your links. The search engines determine the overall theme of your website by looking at the keywords that you use as anchor texts.
The more relevant anchor texts you have that is pointing back to your website, the better your search rankings will be.
To put that in simple terms, you are trying to achieve:
1. Acquiring more back links from high authority sites.
2. Proper anchor texts pointing back to your website.
These are the two primary goals that you are trying to accomplish. Now let's take a look at how press releases can help you achieve those goals.
Link building with press releases.
There are several types of press release services that you will come across.
1) Free releases with no links allowed - These are press release sites that allow you to submit press releases for free. But the drawback is that you can't have any active links in your release. If you are purely looking for some exposure with no SEO benefit whatsoever, you can still make use of these services.
2) Free releases with links allowed but no anchor texts - These are services that allow you to include 1 or 2 URLs in each press release. But these are URLs, and you cannot have your choice of anchor texts. So unless your URL contains your target keywords, you are out of luck.
3) Paid releases with links and anchor texts allowed - These are the kind of press release service that will have maximum SEO benefits. For an affordable fee, you get to publish a press release with at least 2 back links included. You are also allowed to choose your own anchor texts.
The reason why such services work so well is because they usually include many high page rank sites in their distribution list. Imagine having sites like CNET, EIN News, InboxRobot, AmericanChronicle, etc. linking back to you.
These are all well established sites that have been around for years. No wonder the search engines pay so much attention to these sites!
Press release traffic.
Having all that link juice means nothing if you are not getting any traffic. When you publish a press release, traffic will come to you in four sources.
1) Direct traffic - Once your press release has been published, it will be syndicated across a wide network of news related sites. Readers who find your headline interesting will read your story and click through to visit your website.
2) News subscribers - A press release service will also submit your news story to news wire sites such as Google News, EIN News, Topix, NewsBlaze Daily News, and more. These wire sites already have an existing database of news subscribers. When you publish a press release, these subscribers will see your news article in their news reader. They will then visit your site to learn more about what you have to offer. By the way, these News wire sites combine to offer millions of visits each month.
3) Search engines - Of course, the most valuable source of traffic comes from the search engines. This is a long term traffic source because your news article remains online indefinitely. After the initial traffic surge from the news wire sites taper off (usually after 3 weeks), you will then be able to depend on the search engines for a consistent stream of long term traffic.
4) Your own search rankings - Because you are actually performing SEO as you issue press releases, your search rankings will improve. As a result, you get more organic search traffic. In time to become, because of all those quality back links pointing to your site, you will become the owner of an authority site as well.
Preparing a press release for publication.
Publishing a press release on the Internet is easier than what most people thought. In other words, it's not difficult to get a press release approved and distributed to sites all over the Internet.
If you are planning to write your own press release, keep these tips in mind.
1. Always write in third person.
2. Come up with a compelling headline to attract eyeballs.
3. Include one or two quotations from a person with authority in the industry.
4. State facts, features and benefits clearly.
5. Choose an interesting angle to write about to ensure that you publish an interesting story.
6. Don't overstuff your news article with the same keywords. Use synonyms whenever possible to ensure that the content looks natural.
7. Remember to include your contact information at the end of the press release.
One final tip - if you are writing your own press release, make sure that you write in a clear and concise manner. Don't beat about the bush. Usually, you should be able to include all key points in your press release in about 500 words.
On the Internet, a lengthy press release may not always be a good idea. That's because it's easier to lose a reader if your article is too long. Keep it short, interesting, and clear. Interested visitors can always click on your links and visit your website if they want to find out more.
About the Author: Darren Chow is a full time article marketer. He founded a successful press release distribution service, and has been offering high quality press release writing and submission services to hundreds of Internet Marketers worldwide.
Contact us 714-400-8003 | Free Consultation
Search Engine Optimisation and Your Business
Written by Adrian McLean
Monday, 07 April 2008
Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most effective tools that online marketers use today. Novices to the world of Internet marketing often come across phrases such as SEO and wondered what it's all about. In a nutshell, Search Engine Optimisation is a practice that helps your Web site increase its number of visitors and, ultimately, helps your business succeed.
Here's an overview of the basic concepts of Search Engine Optimisation to help you determine for yourself just how valuable it can be for you.
1. Virtually everyone uses search engines
According to some estimates, more than 60 million searches have been conducted over the Internet since it first came into vogue. These days, virtually a billion people use the Internet every day and the great majority of them rely on search engines to find what they want. Search Engine Optimisation is a way to make your site visible on these search engines, especially on companies like Google, Yahoo! and MSN, which are the leading search engines in the world. Ranking high on these search engine results is an incredible advantage for your Web site. And, through Search Engine Optimisation, you can achieve just that. Just imagine, ranking high on search engines means getting more visitors, which in turn means getting more potential customers, which in turn means more sales. Therefore, for any business, big or small, Search Engine Optimisation can translate into more sales. Isn't it about time you jumped on that bandwagon.
2. Play with the big boys
If you're going to engage in Search Engine Optimisation, you might as well play ball with the largest search engine around. In this arena, Google, Yahoo!, MSN, My Way, and AOL are king. Using Search Engine Optimisation to get high rankings in any or all of these household names will do wonders for your Web site.
3. Bank on the power of keywords
As its name suggests, keywords are the key to unlocking the treasures Search Engine Optimisation holds. Learn to use keywords and you have taken a giant step in SEO. Basically, keywords are those words and phrases that people type into search engines when they're looking for information. There are ways to make keywords work for your Web site. First, determine what keywords users are likely to search for when looking for content on your site. Second, position these keywords or key phrases in strategic points throughout your site, including at the start and the end of the document as well as within your copy. Depending on the number of words in your content, keywords or phrases should be repeated throughout the text, with a density of around 2-5%. For example, 12 repetitions in 400 words.
4. Determine your niche
With millions of sites littering the Internet, most sites have to compete with countless other sites to capture attention. You will have to fight your way to gain the recognition of users. To avoid fighting endless battles, try to to find your niche market. Search Engine Optimisation can do wonders, especially if you know the market you are catering to.
Last Updated ( Monday, 07 April 2008 )
The History of Search Engine Optimisation
Written by Adrian McLean
Monday, 07 April 2008
Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most effective ways to improve the volume and quality of traffic to your Web site. Through the use of keywords, Search Engine Optimisation increases traffic by improving the way a site ranks in search results every time someone does a search for those particular keywords. In theory, the higher a site ranks among search results, meaning, the earlier the site is mentioned among these results, the more Web users will visit that site. Hence, a higher rank leads to higher traffic.
Search Engine Optimisation traces its roots back to the mid-1990s at a time when the first search engines began cataloging the Internet. In the beginning, webmasters simply submitted their URL or their pages to the search engines and a spider from the search engine would crawl the URL or page looking for links to other pages. Once these links were tracked, the search engine would then index the information and store it in the server of the search engine. Once there, an indexer program would extract words, links and other information from the page and give weights to specific words and links.
It wasn't long when site owners realized the power of having search engines rank and display their pages. They quickly concluded that, the higher their Web sites were ranked, the more valuable these sites became when it came to attracting visitors. By July 26, 1997, the phrase "Search Engine Optimisation" was first recorded. It appeared on a Usenet message on that day.
During the early days of Search Engine Optimisation, search engines depended on algorithms that webmasters provided, including, meta tags and index files in engines. But webmasters often provided unreliable data on keywords the keywords in meta tags were often inconsistent, incomplete or inaccurate ' which led to irrelevant sites constantly appearing in searches.
Since search engines depended on webmasters, they also often suffered from manipulation and abuse, especially since many webmasters stuffed their content with keywords to improve Search Engine Optimisation. In response, search engines created more intricate ranking algorithms that assessed other factors that webmaters could no longer manipulate. One of the factors measured was "prominence," as measured by a program called Backrub, which was developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, graduate students from Standford University. Search engines also began measuring the quantity and "strength" of outbound links through the PageRank program using a complex formula.
In 1998, Page and Brin, creators of Backrub, founded Google and Search Engine Optimisation was never the same again. Google combined Backrub, Pagerank and off-page factors such as hyperlink analysis to overcome manipulation and create reliable search rankings.
Today, search engines assess a broad range of factors, which they refuse to divulge, in ranking algorithms. According to spokesmen, Google measures no less than 200 different signals. Meanwhile, the two other leading search engines, Yahoo and Microsoft's Live Search, have their own ranking algorithms which they likewise refuse to disclose.
Search Engine Optimisation is still a evolving science and new techniques are emerging every day. What remains constant, however, is the effectiveness of Search Engine Optimisation in helping Web sites flourish.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Learn How To Increase The Traffic To Your Websites Today, Earn More
By Liza M. Bein
Are you a website marketer? If yes, then for sure you are well versed with traffic and its value. But of those who are still starting with website marketing, traffic or visitor is the substance of your sites; these will be your means of earning. If your sites have no traffic, then your sites are in danger of being shut down. In this article, you will be learning how to increase traffic and add up to more funds with!
Several methods have been presented on how to add up traffic to your sites. Some of these method includes advertising, link connections, article writing, pay-per-click ads and also through bookmarking demon. You have many choices: you can go for the paid ones which will let you to do the job without so much hard work and you can also opt for the free method but it will involve more time from you.
How does Bookmarking Demon work by the way? Bookmarking Demon will immensely raise traffic to your sites; it is automated so your expectations will be met. You will have your sites indexed automatically in just few clicks of your mouse. With Bookmarking Demon, you’ll be able to reach out to hundreds of thousands of people in just a short time. To know more about BMD, check out
Suppose you’ll be doing the indexing and social site submission manual? What you have to do is first to sign up to the social media sites - there are lots of them, then after that, you will be submitting your sites to each one of them, then you will also do the indexing. Could you just imagine yourself finishing that up in a day, never! Your time is very precious in this kind of company; you need to put more effort to the more crucial part of the big business. By doing the mentioned tasks manually, you will not just lost hard cash and time but your will also be at risk of getting banned. Why don’t you take it with Bookmarking Demo? All these responsibilities will be automatically carried out. In few minutes, you’ll be able to reach thousands of people around the world. This software will be your right hand in your website small business.
Can you see how Bookmarking Demon will work for you? Aside from saving much of your time and resources, you’ll have a business that will allow you to relax. When everything else is done, you will soon become aware that larger amount of traffic will be sent to your sites. That’s how indispensable Bookmarking Demon can do for you. If you want to find out more, visit
About the Author:
Discover techniques in increasing your site’s traffic. Earn more income from home today.
Tags: bookmarking demon, earn from home, earn from sites, earn from traffic, get traffic,, online income, online money making, online opportunity, SEO, social media traffic, website marketing, work at home, work from home.
SEO: How Important Are Backlinks
By Jon Brown
If youve done any research into search engine optimisation you would have probably stumbled across the term backlink. Backlinks are hyperlinks that point to your website that are found on other peoples sites. Google and other search engines use these links to determine how important your website is. For example, consider the search term click here. On Google, if you perform this search youll find that Adobe Acrobat Readers website is ranked at the number 1 spot. How can this be?
If you examine the Adobe Reader website you’ll probably not find the phrase “click here” anywhere on it. The reason you won’t find it is because it’s not there… so why does Google think it’s the most relevant site for this keyword? Well, the answer is straightforward - millions and millions of websites link to this site with the anchor text of “click here” and because so many sites all do this, Google thinks that this site HAS to be the most relevant for this term.
What’s a good quality backlink?
So we have proven that search engines put a lot of weight behind keywords, but the quality of the backlinks are also checked. Backlinks that come from websites that have a high page rank (i.e. Google considers them good websites) are a lot more important than backlinks from pages with low page ranks. A backlink from the BBC website for example is worth a lot more than a backlink from a website that was created yesterday.
Google also considers the quantity of backlinks, although this may not be as important as quality. The truth is, nobody really knows the Google algorithm.
In addition to quality and quantity of backlinks, the website that a backlink comes from should be relevant to the website its pointing at. For example, if someone puts a backlink on a car auction website that points to a travel company, the two websites are not relevant to each other so Google will put less weight behind the link.
Getting backlinks
Backlinks can be generated by writing on forums and putting your website as your signature. Similarly, blogging or writing articles can generate backlinks. There are other services that allow you to buy backlinks or you could ask website owners to link to your website. If you seriously want to get in the top few results of certain keywords though you should not ignore backlinks.
About the Author:
This is a great website traffic generator. To find out more about traffic generator ideas click the link.
Tags: increase traffic, increase website traffic, search engine optimisation, SEO, SEO improvements, seo traffic, website traffic, website traffic generator, business, google, internet, Internet Marketing, marketing, mlm, online business, search engine optimization, SEO, site optimization, website, article submissions, directory submissions, e-marketing, eCommerce, online business, online marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, advertisement, banner marketing, Internet Marketing, marketing, net banner ads, online business, search engine optimization, sem, SEO, sep, advice, computer, education, hobbies, home, money, self improvement, SEO, shop, software, technology, web, work,
How Many Times Will SEO Guru’s Scam You
By Ryan Henderson
There has been this complete rumor that Search Engine Optimization takes some act of God or a highly specialized person to actually put you on top of the search engines. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I am a one man operation and have had much success putting my little designed websites on top of the search engines with minimal work.
I need you to understand that anybody that knows SEO is an internet marketer. They know how to sell information products over and over again. So typically when you buy these SEO products they have you on a mailing list and they hammer you again and again to buy the latest product. The problem is for them if they sell you something that works you won’t be back.
I had a friend who had loaned me a SEO course written by Brad Fallon. I was determined to learn so I watched and took notes. At the end of this course I decided that I was going to do whatever it took to be on top. I didn’t care how much money I had to spend, I was going to learn SEO. I was so determined that nothing was going to stop me.
I got so mad at the end of the course. I spent countless hours last October trying to figure this out, and everything they had said I had read somewhere else. There is no magic code to put on your site, there is no perfect keyword density and the reciprocal linking that they say works, does not, I had done that for 4 years prior to learning.
My determintation did not give up, however, I found a way to build one way links right to my website quickly and easily. I was absolutley astonished upon this discovery which only came to me because I was unwilling to give up. Now I can not only put my sites at the top of search engines, I easily raise my Google PR which everyone wants to do. The keys are to get a lot of backlinks and let the search engines find you.
About the Author:
Need a strategy to really get you backlinks? We have the exact program you are looking for, learn to build thousands of one way links to your site starting today.
Are Directory Submissions Still Effective
By Yasir Y Khan
Directory submissions seem to be one of the main ways of building link popularity used by many SEO companies out there. When you pay for a directory submission service, your SEO company submits your URL to 400 or 500 (sometimes 1000) directories out there on the web. SEO companies claim that directory submissions is one of the fastest ways of improving link popularity.
While directory submissions help with your link popularity, the submissions do absolutely nothing as far as increasing the rankings are concerned. There are some websites with only 200 links which are ranking higher than websites with over 3000 links. The reason for the difference in rankings is because one website has trusted inbound links which the other does not.
The first reason why directory submissions pass minimal to no link juice is because they contain only links and no content. And for that reason, most of them have another fancy name: link farm. Because of the lack of content, search engines stop favoring web directories and make sure that their outgoing links do not pass a lot of value.
Another reason for the minimal benefit that directories provide is the fact that everyone submits their junk content to them. It is also not hard to imagine each category of a directory to have over 200 outbound links, which severely limits the amount of link juice these directories provide. Also, because directories connect to bad neighborhoods due to spammy links, they lose quality and have to pay a price by getting even more junky links.
Directories also do not provide any traffic to their listed websites because no one uses directories as a reference system like they were used in old times. People normally go to search engines like Google to find any stuff that they want. Even though many SEO “specialists” still think of directories as major source of navigation, that is not the case with directories any more.
However, there are a few high quality and high PR directories out there i.e. Yahoo Directory,, JoeAnt and DMOZ, which can provide your website with a lot of link juice. The downside for submissions to such directories is that they charge a hefty fee.
In conclusion, my advice to you is to stay away from directory submissions because they can actually hurt (rather than help) your websites.
About the Author:
Directory submissions are ineffective in a major way! Use our high pr inner page link building service to boost your search engine rankings. Also, check out our array of web marketing services.
Net Banners vs AdWords
By Michael Stock
This article describes common differences between and Google AdWords technologies:
1. Google Adwords is Pay Per Click advertisement technology where you pay when users click on your ad link. In some cases it’s good, but when you choose right keyword for you, you suddenly discover that you are only one of buyers of keyword and in order to get click to your link you should pay up to 70$ per click (for some keywords). With technology you only pay for owing keyword for full year and you, and only you will be shown as a result of search for your keyword.
2. In Google Adwords campaign you have to compete with other companies and raise price for your keywords. Sometimes your ROI can be negative and you should be high professional to get positive results. With you just need to set url for keyword and get ready for getting traffic to your website.
3. Your advertisement budget can be different, depending on keywords and number of impressions that you choose. has fixed flat price for any keywords that you choose. Only traffic will vary, so only thing that you have to worry is to choose right keywords for your business.
4. When someone searches for your keyword, already displays your website in IFRAME so it means that people already can see your website, without clicking on ad link (not many people like clicking on ad links).
5. Finally, Google Adwords works only with Google Search Engine, when works on All Major Search Engines, plus hundreeds of other partner websites with search features!
So, after all comparisions you can decide which model is best for you.
About the Author:
To see this product in action do demo, and then order keywords for your company.
Search Engine Optimisation - The Options
By Jason Kendall
SEO is essentially a constantly evolving study of what factors the search engines take into account when they ‘rank’ you in their natural search listings. These organic listings are what we predominantly see when we search for any keyword. They are not to be confused with the Pay per Click entries. On the major Search Engines, you’ll see a box at the top, and a column down the right hand side. These are the paid adverts. Whereas the free listings are taken from the main index. The Search Engines look at a site’s relevancy and value when establishing its position in the hierarchy.
We want to be right up there where we can be seen. Nobody will know we’re there if we’re way down on page eight! It isn’t possible to say for certain exactly which measures SE’s use to grade sites. They keep it a closely guarded secret!
Because of this, much technical expertise has developed around the subject. We have Search Engines constantly developing new technology on the one hand. Leading to great mystique over their ratings methodology. On the other hand, there’s Search Engine Optimisation. SEO empirically measures and tests data to establish the more significant factors that the SE’s are using.
The objective is to maximise both ‘on-page’ and ‘off-page’ optimisation. There are also ‘off-web’ factors such as demographic and geographic information - but we have no control over this area. (We’ve covered ‘Off Page’ factors in a separate article, as there wasn’t enough room here.)
‘On-Page’ SEO
It’s possible to change the pages of your website to make them ‘friendly’ to the Search Engines. It’s not too complex - it just requires setting your website up the right way. Doing things such as: Keyword seeding (in the right places and the right amounts), using H1 and H2 header tags (and to some extent meta-tags) and internal linking.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand the technical terms. The bottom-line is, that while it is the easiest to control, it has the LEAST affect on your ranking. To be blunt, some would say it hardly has any effect at all. Search Engines used to credit on page factors in the past. Not any longer though.
The only time that ‘on-page’ becomes important is when you have taken care of ‘off-page’ and have a lot of inbound ‘back-links’. If that’s the case, internal linking and a certain amount of on-page fine-tuning can reap rewards.
Some Words Of Caution… A phrase that shows vast numbers of results should not be your first SEO target. For instance, if you typed into a Search Engine the term Car insurance, seventy million results would be listed for the UK alone. It’s fairly obvious that seventy million competitors is a few too many for someone just getting started.
And Yet - When car insurance is prefixed with ‘Southampton’, it becomes a less intolerable three hundred thousand. (Which could be useful if I sold car insurance in Southampton!) You might think that still sounds a lot, and yet it’s not in SEO terms.
I could expect to get ranked far more easily for the longer phrase. In reality, getting ranked for car insurance would cost a fortune! I’d actually be head to head with the really big boys. So not a great idea - especially, in fact, when there are much better ways to go about it.
Therefore, we’re looking for phrases that yield less overall results - but quite accurately sum up what we do or what we offer. These ‘long tail’ phrases might contain a number of specific keywords. They could be anything from two to seven words in length. Generally we use 3 to 4 words.
It’s sensible to start SEO work on terms that yield under half a million returns. (If the sites on the front page haven’t used SEO techniques, then we might go with bigger yields). Over time we’ll gain ground on the larger search terms. This will happen automatically through building back links. We can go for some of those after several months if we’ve SEO’d well. A line of attack like this makes business sense. Basically we zone in on people who are specifically searching to purchase.
Your home page isn’t the only place for back-links. Spread them liberally around your website. This technique is referred to as Deep Linking. For example, build links to the pages that group products. That’s because pages like this generally have links to several individual pages. So don’t limit the back links to one page. Google and the other SE’s are looking more and more at how individual pages on your site are listed and treated.
About the Author:
(C) Jason Kendall. Pop to for superb advice on SEM Consultants
How to make money Writing articles
Submitted by admin on Thursday, 13 August 2009
Can you really make money for free writing articles online? I’m not talking about pennies or dollars, but regular steady income of thousands of dollars a month? Yes, you can and the money from writing articles is fantastic once you work through the learning curve. I get a perverse sense of pleasure out of knowing that every day my passive income is growing.
How do I manage to make more money today than yesterday or the day before? Simple with focus and a plan for success which is followed everyday without fail. Why am I so strict about my work time? Let me tell you, I have a large circle of work at home friends who seem to think that working means messing around on forums, studying how to make money online, spending lots of wasted time on Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites. Don’t get me wrong I love these sites and they are addictive time wasters for those who really work at home.
In order to make money writing articles, you need to write literally thousands of them. You need to promote them too or you will never see any coin from your efforts. Most people write, slap up their articles and wait for a few months before they ever bother to day anything else. This is a gigantic mistake. Slapping up 10 well written articles will maybe get you a lucky commission or some advertising money, but that is all it is lucky.
In order to make a living writing articles online, you need to have thousands of money makers all producing for you at once. How come so many? Well, getting paid online is notoriously finicky. Some days you make lots of money, some days nothing and others just a little. You really do need the volume of work to have any chance at all of making a steady income. It’s not as daunting as it sounds to write articles for money online. You don’t need to be a pro, and you don’t need English as your first language. What you do need is descent grammar and writing ability and the ability to both write and promote your work over a period of time. There is no quick fix to building a successful business either online or off.
5 ways to make money on Craigslist | Blogs do make money
Submitted by admin on Thursday, 13 August 2009
If you want to work from home full time or just make a couple of dollars each month, is here to help. As you probably know, Craigslist is an online classifieds website. That occur with many ways to make money on Craigslist, five of which are summarized below.
1 Make Money on Craigslist Sale
This approach is better for those who just want to make a couple dollars a month. It is also ideal for those who want to clutter their homes. What it does is go through the entire house, garage and other storage areas. Find the items you no longer want, need or use. If you are in relatively good condition, ready for sale on Craigslist. When a buyer according to its local price, which meet to exchange cash for the item.
2 Make Money on Craigslist buy and sell
If you have a sample sale on Craigslist and the money that you can do, can do it full time. One option is to buy and then resell on Craigslist. Where are these elements? You can find them anywhere. You can find cheap things to sell on Craigslist or target sales, retail savings, and eBay. Its goal is to make a profit, so be sure to purchase an item that is cheap and can resell at a profit. The bigger the difference, the more money you make.
3 Make Money on Craigslist Search Paid GB
When a person needs a service and do not know where to turn, often turn What is likely to be available in the paid concert? Almost nothing. There are magazine editors looking for models of houses in search of lawnmowers, the brides and grooms looking for bands to play at their weddings, and so on. Take a look around craigslist concert section, there is a good chance that you can find at least 20 different ways to make money. If your experience is an old job or a passion you have, use it to make money.
4 Make Money on Craigslist: Find a part time job
Now, if you are unemployed, you have to use to find a full-time job. However, if you just want to make some extra money, part-time work is better. You can do both. Lots of part-time jobs are advertised on Craigslist. You can find these jobs, either by searching with the name of the position you want, the type of tasks they perform, or simply the term “part-time.” Although a part-time work might not be as important as a full time job, treat it as such. This means that the transmission of a resume.
5 Make Money on Craigslist: Advertising Your Service
This approach can land some paid work, but is a bit beaten or lost. Honestly, people like to just send a message saying “I need this,” instead of screening through a lot of services for themselves. With that said, it is free to create a post on Craigslist that have nothing to lose by it. Describe the service or services that are willing to make and its average rate. For example “I am an experienced lawn mower with my own team. I charge $ 15 for each acre of land.”
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Thursday, September 3, 2009
New Report Explores how PPC Rank Affects Traffic

Citing a tenfold difference in traffic between the first position in a pay-per-click campaign and the tenth position in the same campaign, the Atlas Institute's latest report sheds some light on how rankings can impact traffic numbers. (The full report, titled "How Search Engine Rank Impacts Traffic" is available on the Atlas Institute's Web site.)
The Atlas Institute set out to examine the relative drop in traffic that takes place with each positional drop in rank on the industry's two most popular PPC engines, Google's AdWords and Yahoo!'s Overture.
Paid search marketers have long recognized the difference in traffic that comes with higher rankings. In many cases, advertisers are willing to pay whatever it takes to maintain the top spot in the rankings, simply to assure dominance in drawing traffic. For these advertisers, the Atlas report provides ample data to support their belief in the difference in traffic that can come with a number one ranking.
For example, the study showed that there was a dramatic 40% drop in traffic between the first and second paid positions in Google's AdSense program. Beyond position two, the traffic drops more gradually, losing about 5-10% of traffic per position drop on down to position number 10.
The study found similar results on Overture, though the difference between positions wasn't nearly as dramatic as those in the AdWords campaign. Overture listings experienced an average of 23% drop off from the first listing to the second listing followed by a second drop of around 20% from the second listing to the third. From there, the data shows similar drop offs as AdWords, ranging from 5-10% per position.
It is worthwhile to note that the lower half of the rankings experience much stronger click thru potential on AdWords than they do on Overture. Positions number five thru ten on AdWords experience click potential of 34.8%, 31.3%, 24%, 20%, 15.3% and 13.9% respectively. Those same positions on Overture have much lower click potential at 30.2%, 24%, 18%, 14.1%, 9% and 7.8%. Thus, companies that prefer to bid in the lower half of the listings may find they have more luck drawing traffic from AdWords campaigns than from Overture campaigns.
While the data presented in the study is interesting, it's important to note that click thru rates are not the only thing that should impact the planning of a PPC campaign. "Paying for the number one ranking may not be the best strategy for all advertisers" explained Young-Bean Song, director of analytics and the Atlas Institute, Atlas DMT. "For some marketers the cost of traffic associated with the top ranking may be too high. On the other hand, some marketers are forgoing the top spot, without really knowing how many customers they are losing to their competitors. Most advertisers don't know whether they are paying too much, or needlessly missing out on sales."
Competitive industries with low margins may find it tough to balance a strong pay per click campaign that delivers traffic without sacrificing profitability. A successful pay per click campaign ultimately boils down to the return on investment that the campaign can deliver. If a Web site owner spends $5.25 per click and only makes an average of $4.50 per sale, higher traffic levels will simply bankrupt him. Thus, it is essential for marketers to base campaigns not only around traffic levels but around realistic cost per click that factors in conversion rates and profit levels.
It's also interesting to note that despite the obvious loss in traffic that comes with lower listings, many marketers prefer to setup their ads to maintain lower rankings. Many marketers theorize that Internet users that take the time to visit multiple sites are more serious about buying and that the number one listing is often inundated with "impulse clickers" that are more curious than serious when it comes to buying. Online discussion forums that cover pay per click strategy are ripe with posters that explain they purposely position their ads below the number one position. They go on to explain that in those positions, they experience higher conversion rates and lower costs per click, which leads to much higher returns on investment than the same advertiser might have experienced with a more expensive number one ranking.
For marketers that have taken the time to analyze their campaign data, the research provided by Atlas could prove invaluable. Companies that have documented their conversion rates and break even points for various positions will be able to use this data to calculate the potential profit of bidding in each of the top ten positions and adjust their campaigns accordingly.
It is also important to note that the study applies only to pay per click listings bought via Google AdWords and Overture. The Atlas study did not examine the drop in traffic that takes place with organic listings, though they state on their Web site that they are currently compiling data on this topic and hope to release a report later this year.
Jennifer Laycock
How to Get Your Site a Top Ranking in Google
It's the new American dream. Your website appears in a top spot on Google for your chosen keyword. Next thing you know, orders start coming in faster than you can handle, and you are rolling in the money. If only it were so easy, right?
Well,It can be done. I've done it many times in many different industries. There is no secret, but rather, it's just knowing what to do. I've made just about every mistake one can make with a website, but I learned from every setback. If you were only allowed to do one thing to get ranked for your site in Google, without a doubt, all you'd need to do is get links for your site.
Yes, there are many other factors involved in getting your site to a top position. But this is the most powerful way as of this writing to get a top spot in Google. It's not just enough to have links pointing to your site, but you need to have your keyword "anchor linked" to your site. Anchor linking is when you use your keyword phrase as the click-able text for a link. So, instead of saying "Click Here", you would use "Widgets" as the link text.
Now, another point of consideration is determining what keyword/phrase you want to use to get your site found. Most times, people impulsively choose a one word phrase. While this would be a great way to bring traffic to your site, would it bring targeted traffic, with people looking specifically for your product or service? Most times when people type in a one letter keyphrase, they are in the beginning of their search.
They may type in "Shoes", but are really looking for "Running Shoes". So, if you have a top ranking for shoes, do you serve that user's needs? Maybe, but they may also be looking for dress, casual, Women's, Men's, Children's, athletic, girl's, boy's, etc. This is why when you begin to optimize your site, you should focus on more targeted keyword phrases.
Suppose you sell a certain brand name of dress shoes. For this example, we'll call the famous brand XYZ. So, by getting anchor links as "XYZ Dress Shoes", you are already eliminating those users who are looking for another brand or line of shoe. Next, you need to make sure that the page that gets linked contains the on the page content with "XYZ Dress Shoes". If you would link to a page without relevant content, Google would view this link as possible spam, or more appropriately, irrelevant content.
Now, once you have compiled your list of keywords, you need to see which one are searched on the most. The best tool for this is WordTracker, and it is worth the tiny fee you need to pay to have access for one day. There are also free tools online that you can use, but WordTracker will give you the most accurate results.
Once you have run through your list of all your keywords, the obvious choice is to pick the ones with the highest amount of searches (and content relevant to your site!). The next step is to then begin the process of a link campaign. Now, I can already hear you complaining about doing a link exchange. This is only 1/3 of your campaign. The ideal method is to not only engage in a reciprocal link exchange, but to also engage in strategic linking.
Strategic linking is when you get a link to your site without having to return the favor. What's the best way to do this? Write an article just like this one. If I get one website to use this article and have it point to my site, I've just created another link to my site. Pretty easy, eh?
Since you have now engaged in a linking campaign, you should expect to see results in Google in as little as 4 days, and as far as 6 months. All of this is determined by where your links are coming from, and the popularity of the site from which the link came. Next, you need to get as many links as you can pointing to your site with your popular keyword phrase anchor linked to your site.
As I mentioned before, there many other factors that will only enhance your rankings in Google, but the implementation of a link campaign is the strongest method to get your site to a top ranking!
-To your online success
Paul Bliss
How to Create Google Adsense Pages
First let me preface this article by stating that you should NOT create pages for the "gaming" of AdSense. Most companies who use AdWords are small to medium sized businesses trying to grow.
With rampant click fraud, those advertisers won't be able to advertise, and AdSense won't pay out as well.
That said, let's begin the process.
For our example, our topic is that of "widgets", so where do get started?
Create the page - Sounds simple enough, but there are some coding standards you should always use. They are:
* Name of the page - Use the name of the keyword you are targeting. So, in this example it would be widget.htm. You can use your web server's technology as well, but if in doubt, you can never go wrong with the .htm
* Title the page - Use the keyword again for the title.
* Meta Tags - Yes, they are still used. Make sure you include the keywords in your meta keyword list, and give a definition of the word in your meta description tag
* H1 - Put your keyword in stylized H1 tags. Use CSS to make the tag look consistent to the rest of your site
Content - This is often the biggest obstacle non-writers have. Don't worry, follow these steps and you'll soon be on your way to original content.
* Go to MSN, Yahoo and Google
* Enter your keyword into the search box
* Look at the top 5 sites listed from each search engine
* Educate yourself on the topic from the content found on these sites
Page Copy - Now that you've absorbed more information, compose your own page of ORIGINAL content. You can take bits and pieces from the other pages, but be sure to inject your personality into your writing. That will make it uniquely yours.
Links - Don't forget to link to authority sites about your subject. It's very natural for web pages to have links to other sites, don't forget about this key point. Take a moment to see why you need outbound links.
Traffic - The most obvious is getting traffic to your site. Your site will have higher paying ads if your page gets more traffic. If you need help with this, be sure to visit the SEO resources section.
Personally, I tried using the traffic generating sites, and quite frankly, they are a waste of time. Sure you'll build up your traffic numbers, but it's usually from an autosurfing program.
One last note. On September 1st, 2005 Google shut down my account because they suspected click fraud. I really don't have a problem with them shutting me down, because as an advertiser I want to know that they are watching my money. However, I believe they should show proof of the supposed fraudulent activity. I was even proactive in letting them know when I saw suspicious activity, but they never replied to my inquires.
Here's a great article on what to watch for, and how click fraud is committed.
I hope you have better luck than I did.
Paul Bliss
How Google Failed
As stated on their website, Google's mission is to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."
As that may appear to be a noble quest, the Google machine is easy to manipulate. For a perfect example, proceed to Google and enter the phrase "miserable failure".
The #1 result links to the bio page of George W. Bush. Whether or not you agree with that statement is for political discussions, and I'm not getting into that here.
Point is, the results for that phrase were achieved because of one simple reason.
That's right, you'll hear many arguements about content being king and linking is queen. While I do agree with that from a user perspective, it's not true for SEM purposes.
I do agree that content will make the user come back, but in order to get ranked in the coveted #1 spot, you need more links than your competitors.
Google's approach on this is that if you have more links pointing to your site than your online competition, your page must be more important that all the other 20 billion known web pages on the Internet.
There are many factors that go into getting a site ranked, and making it sticky, but if you were to build the absolute best site about widgets, adding a new page of content everyday (per Google's request, and you fulfilling their egomanaical quest to determine how you should run your website), and all I did was to slap together a one page site that highlights some features of the widget, while only going after links, and you build content, who's going to get the top spot?
The site with more links pointing to it, which would be mine.
This is why Google (and all the other search engines) fail when returning the results. True, they are just machines and the human programmers who create the secret ranking algorithm haven't been able to program comprehensive understanding into them yet - so until they do, you know what you need to do to your site to get ranked.
Links, links and more links.
-To your online success!
Paul Bliss
Search Engine Optimization for Google
With the recent Jagger update settling, many people find their sites no longer have the high rankings they had for so long enjoyed prior to the latest Google update.
So, the sites that lost these rankings are scrambling to find some answers as to why their site dropped. While it's my business to know the intricacies of how this particular update impacted the search algorithm, there are some common ground starting points that if you apply these to all of your sites, you should be able to survive any update intact.
* Proper naming structure
* Name your page titles with your keywords if possible
* Always have a sitemap
* Always include a robots.txt file
* If you must use a re-direct, be sure it's server side, not with a meta refresh tag
* Don't use hidden text
* Make sure your keyword phrase is included in your H1 tags
* Don't optimize for more than 2 keywords per page
* Use text links where possible
* In any product image, be sure to use the alt tag
* Use hyphens, not underscores when you name a page file
* Make sure your site has an error handling page
* Create a Google Sitemap and submit it to them (This is in addition to a typical sitemap)
* Offload all your js and css code
* Don't forget about meta tags
Be sure to follow these simple guidelines and you won't need to worry too much anytime Google has an update - your site will not be impacted by any filters that are checking for spamming, hidden text, or anything that resembles cloaking.
To your online success
Paul Bliss
SEO for Blogs
While there are many reasons to blog, there are two primary uses that are becoming more widespread with blogging: To game Google Adsense, and to also game the search engines for better rankings.
Since Blogs are known to the search engines as daily snippets of information that are updated on a frequent basis, they get a lot of preference in the search results.
So from this, how do you optimize your blog?
Depending on the service you utilize, there are still some basics that you can apply. The two biggest blogging sites are WordPress and Blogger. If you are looking for an advantage with SEO, you should use Blogger since they are owned by Google, and you'll be indexed quicker.
Blogs aren't all that much different than a site. The power of a blog is from the frequency of the posting. If the search engines see a pattern of 3 postings per day, they will be very active on spidering that site. Depending on the topic of the blog, you may be able to boost your blog in the rankings if it's related to a hot topic on the Internet.
Now, to the actual optimization.
Since blogs are typically a few pages long, you only need to establish a few rules that will be applied sitewide:
* Use an interesting title - Also known as linkbaiting - your title should captivate the user to read more
* Try to use your blog keywords in the title - while it may be hard to always do this, by keeping the title related to the topic, your blog will always be relevant
* Use the H1 tags - All blog editors allow for custom templates, so be sure to stylize your blog title in the H1 tags
* Link to other blogs - Find other related blogs that your readers might find interesting, and ask for a link in return
* Don't forget about your archives - You may post a topic that isn't hot at the moment, but comes up later - make sure your readers can find that posting
As stated above, the key to a successful blog is frequent postings. You don't need to write up an article everytime, two paragraphs and maybe some resource links is what a typical posting should be comprised of.
-To your online success!
Paul Bliss
Blogging for SEO
Using frequent posts to drive the search engines to your site
It's no secret that blogs are great for helping to boost your seo rankings. You can use a blog to get a new site ranked quickly and ahead of your main site if you are dedicated to posting on a frequent basis.
While the main goal of your blog may be to express your thoughts, talk back to your customers or as a vehicle to promote your product or services, there is another critical element to blogging.
Search Engine Optimization & Marketing.
Because of the frequency of active blogs (daily - or at least 5 times a week) the search engines have put high weight on blogs that are focused and tend to stay on topic.
It's the freshness of content (in a perfect world) that a search engine is craving and rewarding to the blogs. The ideal situation is that the blog would provide for tiny snippets of information that over time build up to a greater whole. (Almost like a blook)
But the most overloooked element of a blog is that once you've established a frequent pattern of posting and you have the Googlebot coming to your site every few days, you can then use that to link to other sites, sub-domains or any deep links that you need to get crawled. While most blog postings may not have direct links to any sites in particular, you could always format your blog with some permanent links on the side.
Another mistake made by the amatuer blogger is that they don't realize that you can optimize your blog. True, most blogs only have a few areas, namely the "home" page and the "archive" page. But depending on the tool being used to post the blog, there are some places where you can take advantage seo-wise.
The title of your blog should be thought of as a headline - grab the reader's attention - but also be sure that your blog title is also what gets archived - that way your titles can become search queries as well.
While the main objective of a blog should be to get your message out, don't forget to take a little time for SEO and you should see your efforts payoff in the search engine results pages.
-To your online success!
Paul Bliss
Visitor Enhanced Optimization (VEO)
Imagine creating your website without the search engines in mind.
But you already do that, right?
You don't name pages that are keyword rich and hyphenated to make the search engines recognize what that page is about, correct?
You don't write articles about topics that search engines would reward you for by placing your site at the top of the search result pages, right?
And I know that you don't choose keywords based on what sources such as WordTracker and KeyWordDiscovery tell you, true?
See a pattern here?
There is soo much focus on creating a site that is built to be "search engine friendly" that sometimes it's forgotten that while search engines may bring traffic, it's still a human who is reading and consuming the content that lives on your site.
While this may seem obvious to a web designer or marketer, not all of us possess that level of focus when making changes to websites. Instead of trying to create original and unique content, more thought is given to the impact that content can have in the search engines.
Content delivery through RSS feeds, Podcasts, PDF's, Articles, Blogs and Video are all thought up and created with strategic placement in mind - Get your Podcast on iTunes, be sure to have your video on YouTube, and make certain that Technorati knows about your blog.
All the while it's the human reader who decides if your website is worth visiting, bookmarking, tagging or coming back again to see what's new.
If you satisfy the simple need of educating or entertaining the reader, they will reciprocate your effort either by linking to your site, or even better, telling their friends about your site. Even though it occurs on the web, social networking is still a key factor to having your website become successful.
So, always build your site with the reader in mind, because they can make you wealthy - a machine can't.
-To your online success!
Paul Bliss<
But you already do that, right?
You don't name pages that are keyword rich and hyphenated to make the search engines recognize what that page is about, correct?
You don't write articles about topics that search engines would reward you for by placing your site at the top of the search result pages, right?
And I know that you don't choose keywords based on what sources such as WordTracker and KeyWordDiscovery tell you, true?
See a pattern here?
There is soo much focus on creating a site that is built to be "search engine friendly" that sometimes it's forgotten that while search engines may bring traffic, it's still a human who is reading and consuming the content that lives on your site.
While this may seem obvious to a web designer or marketer, not all of us possess that level of focus when making changes to websites. Instead of trying to create original and unique content, more thought is given to the impact that content can have in the search engines.
Content delivery through RSS feeds, Podcasts, PDF's, Articles, Blogs and Video are all thought up and created with strategic placement in mind - Get your Podcast on iTunes, be sure to have your video on YouTube, and make certain that Technorati knows about your blog.
All the while it's the human reader who decides if your website is worth visiting, bookmarking, tagging or coming back again to see what's new.
If you satisfy the simple need of educating or entertaining the reader, they will reciprocate your effort either by linking to your site, or even better, telling their friends about your site. Even though it occurs on the web, social networking is still a key factor to having your website become successful.
So, always build your site with the reader in mind, because they can make you wealthy - a machine can't.
-To your online success!
Paul Bliss<
SEO for Google - Get the Google SEO Optimization techniques needed for top rankings in Google
Google (SEO) Search Engine Optimization
A great site is useless unless people know where to find you. This is where search engine optimization services come in handy. The methods used to keep your site in the top pages of Google for a long time will depend on if you know how Google ranks it index. Since only the engineers employed by Google know the answer, it is up to the rest of us to speculate on what may work, and what we know doesn't work.
Search Engine Optimization for Google
Read that again - Knowing what to do to your site in order for Google to properly recognize and categorize your site is the first step in achieving top rankings in Google. Internet Marketing SEO, and in particular, Google SEO is the key. The easier your make your site to be understood by Google, the better chances you'll have of getting top spots in Google's index. Google search engine marketing is the answer to getting your site found.
Google, the world's number #1 Search Engine
If you made it to this site, chances are you found it using a search engine, and it was probably Google. Google currently dominates the Search Engine market partially because of its results, and more importantly, its "uncluttered" look. If you visit Yahoo or MSN there is so much information that it could easily overwhelm the typical AOL user.
The value of a top position in Google
What would you do if you were in one of the top spots in Google's index for your most popular keyword? Do you realize that many millionaires have made their fortune by having a top rank in Google? Google is the most popular search engine in the WORLD and has no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Google Search Optimization has to be part of your marketing strategy.
Why is it so hard to get a top spot in Google
Its not. By reading my book "SEO for Google", I will show you ALL THE TECHNIQUES needed to get your site ranked on the first page in Google. Its not hard, but rather, KNOWING WHAT TO DO! It took me years of trial and error and many, many mistakes, but after constantly reviewing what worked and what didn't, I finally stumbled onto the "secret" of getting top rankings from Google. Google Search Engine Marketing is a process that will get your site ranked.
The first Google Secret? THERE IS NO SECRET
Don't be fooled by companies claiming that they have "secret" to getting top placement in Google. The only secret is KNOWING what Google LOOKS for when they rank a site. It is guessed that there are over 100 separate components to Google's Algorithm that determine how a site will appear when a user enters in a keyword.
When you buy my Google Optimization Guide, "SEO for Google" - YOU WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO!
Can you afford to wait another day not appearing in the top positions for your keywords?
How much is that costing your business? How much would your website be making for you if you had a top position in Google?
What will my guide show you
Everything you need. I won't just talk about what I've done in the past and make you guess at what I do. I will give you -
These are the EXACT SAME techniques I use to optimize for my own clients, and I will take you by the hand and give you the exact code to use, WHERE TO PUT IT, and how to get Google to come to your site like a heroin addict.
Why am I doing this?
When I brought up the idea of this guide, many in my profession questioned why I would expose the methods used to get high rankings. It's simple: I am only one person, and I can't possibly optimize every site on the Internet! But I can help others who are looking to learn search engine optimization for Google on their own.
I remember when I first started learning about search engine optimization over 5 years ago. I knew NOTHING. But, I was fortunate enough to work in an environment where I was able to learn new ideas and technologies. Search engine optimization was and still is fascinating to me. So, with my employer's blessings, I started to learn everything I could about seo.
First, I started by joining any forum about search engine optimization that I could. I did a TON of reading for about 6 months, and I was always too intimidated to ask any questions. HOW STUPID WAS THAT?
As you will come to learn, there are many generous people who visit the forums (And I provide a list of the essential forums you should be a member of), and are extremely helpful in offering tips and advice.
No one would actually share their actual "Method" or "Technique" that they used to gain top rankings for their clients. Thus, a mysterious shroud of secrecy surrounds the search engine optimization industry. It seems that they wanted to help a newbie, but not let them look "under the hood" to see what really happens to make their clients successful.
So Much For That
My guide will show and explain everything you need to do in order to make your site a perfect match for Google's indexing algorithm for your chosen keywords and phrases. I will step by step walk you through the process of implementing site changes that will have Google place a favorable rank for your site.
How long will it take?
I'm not going to tell you that it will happen overnight. SEO is a time-consuming effort. Sorry. No magic here. It's going to take time and application of my techniques to get your site top rankings. But it's well worth it. If your site is already indexed and ranked by Google, you can expect to see reults in as little as 60 days. If your site is brand new, you should expect to see results in about 6 months. This may not be what you want to hear, but it's what I've done and seen in my years of optimizing sites.
Remember, as in any evolving technology, time is of the essence. If you are smart enough to purchase a copy of my guide, "SEO for Google", you will be one of the few and successful people to have a site that is highly ranked in Google.
So why are you selling this information
As I mentioned earlier, I am only 1 person, and cannot possibly serve the entire Internet. The next question asked is, won't this potentially eliminate your job? Nope. There are over 8 BILLION (8,000,000,000) pages in Google's index. That's quite a number of pages to optimize, don't you think? And, not all of them are going to be optimized. So, don't worry about anyone losing any income. As in any business, if you are talented and persistent, you will survive.
How long will it take
I have a way to get your site indexed by Google in just 4 days FOR FREE! This is EXTREMELY important since Google likes to find your site on its own, and not through their link submission. This piece of information alone is worth the price of my guide. Also, a lot depends on how fast you can employ the techniques to your site. If you have access to your site, you can begin immediately, AS SOON AS YOU PURCHASE THE SEO FOR GOOGLE GUIDE!
By not purchasing my SEO for Google guide, you are letting thousands of leads and interested viewers find your competitor's site, and they will buy from them. Remember, most internet users ASSUME that the website that appears in the top rankings IS THE BEST SITE ABOUT WHAT THEY'RE LOOKING FOR!
This is why it is so critical to make sure they find your site. By using my proven techniques in my SEO for Google guide, you will GREATLY enhance your chances of being in that top position.
Click here to order now
What does the SEO for Google ebook cover
Step-by-step instructions how to research your keywords with examples.
How to choose keywords that will bring you massive traffic and sales.
Target the wrong keywords and all your efforts will be just a waste of time.
Building and Optimizing your website for Google the most effective way.
Meta Tags - Yes, they are still important.
I'll give you the exact same code I use to optimize so that Google will love it and you will prosper in the search engines.
The best way to make your website relevant to search engines is to think like them, I'll show you how.
What techniques to implement in order to gain high rankings in Google.
A checklist with 8 items critical to the success of your website.
I'll not only give you the exact code that I use, but also explain why it works, and why it will continue to work.
The 2 Meta Tags absolutely critical to controlling Google.
Learn the best way to get critical In-Bound links to your site - without reciprocal linking.
How to guarantee that Google crawls your entire site - from one page.
How to keep Google from indexing sensitive information on your site.
Insert a simple piece of code onto your pages that will give you an edge over your competition.
I'll give you the exact same code I use to optimize your site so that Google will love it.
Access to the same resources that I use to gain high rankings.
Learn how to get your site into the Open Directory Project (and potentially listed in 312 other directories from this one!)
Learn how to use "Spiderbait" - i.e. get Google to come to your site and index your pages within 4 days!
PageRank - It's affect on your rankings and how to build your site's PageRank
Reciprocal Linking - Why it works and how to make it work for your site.
Click here to order now
Google Base Optimization
Google Base happens to be the only shopping search engine which allows merchants to define their own attributes (optional fields).
It is also formerly known as Froogle, and if you have any product that can be sold online, you have no excuse to not use this service. It's free, and Google is trying to promote it's usage.
If you want better results on the shopping engines, try optimizing your feed - it?s no longer good enough to just post all your products and expect your listings to be found.
There is a new opportunity that can be had for online retailers, and it's known as the "Onebox" result. To learn more about this great way to drive targeted traffic, visit OneBoxer, a fantastic blog that covers all angles better than I can.
Recently, Google made more requirements on a generic level, but there may be more if you are within a specific product category:
* brand
* condition
* description
* expiration_date
* id
* image_link
* link
* price
* product_type
* title
Understandibly, some merchants are upset at this since they have thousands of products that now need more information, and some products may not have all of the required fields (expiration date, for example).
So how can you take advantage of this?
Some people will search by color, some by material and others by style. All of these are fantastic opportunities to get your product in front of a consumer who is ready to buy. It will take some time to create and get all the tweaks worked out, but it is well worth it.
-To your online success!
Paul Bliss
Saturday, August 15, 2009
10 Tips for Building Substantial Traffic to Your Site with Stumble Upon
Stumble Upon is a social media website that allows you to tag your personal and professional interests so you can filter the web for sites based on your particular interests when you surf for content. Rather than searching for specific terms like you would on Google, on Stumble Upon you can surf through sites that are more broadly related to your areas of interest. You can then tag the websites you find with a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.”
Stumble Upon also works like a social bookmarking site because you can tag the websites you like and share them with other users. To get started with Stumble Upon, add your own website along with a short description and keyword tags so it can be “stumbled” when other users find it.
Stumble Upon provides a powerful way for you to drive massive amounts of traffic to your website. You can get your website viewed by people all over the world if it gets “stumbled.” Stumble Upon can dramatically improve your online presence because it builds backlinks created by users, helps you to establish a reader base for your content, and gives your site exposure very quickly. Here are 10 tips that will help you bring a substantial amount of traffic to your site.
1. Websites that tend to get the most traffic from Stumble Upon are Web 2.0 websites, video websites, and humor websites. Try to include humor and videos into your website content if you want to have a greater chance of success in driving traffic and retaining readers from Stumble Upon.
2. Good site design will make you or break you. Visitors tend to only stay for a short time and look around so if your site design is less than attractive, you won’t see many return visitors or visitors who stay for very long. Visual appeal is essential.
3. Make sure it’s obvious and easy for site visitors to subscribe to your blog via RSS feed or sign up for your newsletter. This will allow you to get new readers who in turn become potential customers and repeat visitors.
4. Brand image is essential to your success on Stumble Upon. If you want people to continually return to your site and have it be imprinted in their minds, you need to make sure your URL is easy to remember and that your brand image is crisp and memorable.
5. Offer tools and materials on your site that cannot be accessed elsewhere to attract return visits.
6. Make sure that your website provides plenty of compelling content. The more the better because then visitors have a reason to return and read the materials that they could not finish the first time around.
7. If you have a blog, make sure people can subscribe via email because not everyone reads blogs through a reader. That way you can cater to different types of site visitors.
8. After one of your articles or blog posts has been stumbled, make sure to have plenty of great content ready to provide to your site visitors because they are going to have high expectations. You will probably have the most success if you use articles that are similar to the one that got a lot of stumbles.
9. Everyone loves to win free stuff so make sure to hold a contest or giveaway after a spike in traffic. This will help you attract regular readers.
10. You are only allowed five tags on your articles in Stumble Upon so try to make them as general as possible. This will in turn mean you get more eyeballs on your content.
Keep these tips in mind when using Stumble Upon to increase traffic to your site. Stumble Upon is used by a broad demographic of people and is a very effective way to get your content seen and read. By following these tips, you will be able to attract visitors to your site who will in turn become regulars.
Labels: link_building, social_media
Friday, August 14, 2009
Top 10 secrets of SEO
Today everyone wants to have better search engine result pages ranks. However only one can have the rank 1. Therefore you need to optimize constantly your websites and to have an edge over others you need to do something different and unique. Following are 10 rare tips/secrets which can help you get high search engine ranks.
First, many people still use directories and search engines give preference to websites listed in directories. There are many free and paid directories available today. The free directories usually ask for link exchange, however you should remember that if you have many links on your web page, search engines can reduce your page ranks or rank on search engine result. If you are paying for link submission in a directory, make sure that the page rank of the directory is high and it has good traffic.
Secondly, many search engines also provide sponsored links. Therefore you can pay to get listing at the top of the result page. However, you have to pay for every visitor sent to your website. This way you can get traffic very quickly.
Thirdly, submit articles to article submission websites. Write quality articles related to your websites and products and you can submit those articles to famous articles submission websites. You can also have links in the articles. Therefore you can get backlinks and traffic from an article submission website.
Fourth, get as many links as possible. You can buy backlinks and many websites display links for free also such as classifieds’ web page.
Fifth, join as many forums and online communities which are related to your websites and products. Talk about your products there and you can also provide links to your website. This way you can traffic as well as backlinks.
Sixth, advertise your website in media such as Television ads, newspapers, magazines etc.
Seventh, have proper content. Optimize the content on your web page. The content should meet the expectations and needs of your visitors. Further, the content should be keyword optimized.
Eight, you can have many email campaigns where you send mails to thousands of people with clickable links. This way you can get good traffic.
Nine, always have a sitemap for your website. This help the visitors to explore the website more freely and conveniently.
Tenth, you must burn feeds for your websites. This way person get informed when there is some new content on your websites.
Monday, August 3, 2009
26 Steps to 15,000 visitors a day

The following will build a successful site in 1 years time via Google alone. It can be done faster if you are a real go getter, or everyones favorite: a self starter.
A) Prep Work:
Prep work and begin building content. Yep, long before the domain name is settled on, start putting together notes to build at least a 100 page site. That's just for openers. That's 100 pages of "real content", as opposed to link pages, resource pages, about/copyright/tos...etc fluff pages.
B) Domain name:
Easily brandable. You want "" and not "". Keyword domains are out - branding and name recognition are in - big time in. The value of keywords in a domain name have never been less to se's. Learn the lesson of "" becomes "" and why they did it. It's one of the powerful gut check calls I've ever seen on the internet. That took resolve and nerve to blow away several years of branding. (that's a whole 'nuther article, but learn the lesson as it applies to all of us).
[via search engine world]
C) Site Design:
The simpler the better. Rule of thumb: text content should out weight the html content. The pages should validate and be usable in everything from Lynx to leading edge browsers. eg: keep it close to html 3.2 if you can. Spiders are not to the point they really like eating html 4.0 and the mess that it can bring. Stay away from heavy: flash, dom, java, java script. Go external with scripting languages if you must have them - there is little reason to have them that I can see - they will rarely help a site and stand to hurt it greatly due to many factors most people don't appreciate (search engines distaste for js is just one of them).
Arrange the site in a logical manner with directory names hitting the top keywords you wish to hit.
You can also go the other route and just throw everything in root (this is rather controversial, but it's been producing good long term results across many engines).
Don't clutter and don't spam your site with frivolous links like "best viewed" or other counter like junk. Keep it clean and professional to the best of your ability.
Learn the lesson of Google itself - simple is retro cool - simple is what surfers want.
Speed isn't everything, it's almost the only thing. Your site should respond almost instantly to a request. If you get into even 3-4 seconds delay until "something happens" in the browser, you are in long term trouble. That 3-4 seconds response time may vary for site destined to live in other countries than your native one. The site should respond locally within 3-4 seconds (max) to any request. Longer than that, and you'll lose 10% of your audience for every second. That 10% could be the difference between success and not.
D) Page Size:
The smaller the better. Keep it under 15k if you can. The smaller the better. Keep it under 12k if you can. The smaller the better. Keep it under 10k if you can - I trust you are getting the idea here. Over 5k and under 10k. Ya - that bites - it's tough to do, but it works. It works for search engines, and it works for surfers. Remember, 80% of your surfers will be at 56k or even less.
E) Content:
Build one page of content and put online per day at 200-500 words. If you aren't sure what you need for content, start with the Overture keyword suggestor and find the core set of keywords for your topic area. Those are your subject starters.
F) Density, position, yada, yada, yada...
Simple, old fashioned, seo from the ground up.
Use the keyword once in title, once in description tag, once in a heading, once in the url, once in bold, once in italic, once high on the page, and hit the density between 5 and 20% (don't fret about it). Use good sentences and speel check it ;-) Spell checking is becoming important as se's are moving to auto correction during searches. There is no longer a reason to look like you can't spell (unless you really are phonetically challenged).
G) Outbound Links:
From every page, link to one or two high ranking sites under that particular keyword. Use your keyword in the link text (this is ultra important for the future).
H) Cross links:
<1>(cross links are links WITHIN the same site)
Link to on topic quality content across your site. If a page is about food, then make sure it links it to the apples and veggies page. Specifically with Google, on topic cross linking is very important for sharing your pr value across your site. You do NOT want an "all star" page that out performs the rest of your site. You want 50 pages that produce 1 referral each a day and do NOT want 1 page that produces 50 referrals a day. If you do find one page that drastically out produces the rest of the site with Google, you need to off load some of that pr value to other pages by cross linking heavily. It's the old share the wealth thing.
I) Put it Online:
Don't go with virtual hosting - go with a stand alone ip.
Make sure the site is "crawlable" by a spider. All pages should be linked to more than one other page on your site, and not more than 2 levels deep from root. Link the topic vertically as much as possible back to root. A menu that is present on every page should link to your sites main "topic index" pages (the doorways and logical navigation system down into real content).
Don't put it online before you have a quality site to put online. It's worse to put a "nothing" site online, than no site at all. You want it flushed out from the start.
Go for a listing in the ODP. If you have the budget, then submit to Looksmart and Yahoo. If you don't have the budget, then try for a freebie on Yahoo (don't hold your breath).

J) Submit:
Submit the root to: Google, Fast, Altavista, WiseNut, (write Teoma), DirectHit, and Hotbot. Now comes the hard part - forget about submissions for the next six months. That's right - submit and forget.
K) Logging and Tracking:
Get a quality logger/tracker that can do justice to inbound referrals based on log files (don't use a lame graphic counter - you need the real deal). If your host doesn't support referrers, then back up and get a new host. You can't run a modern site without full referrals available 24x7x365 in real time.
L) Spiderlings:
Watch for spiders from se's. Make sure those that are crawling the full site, can do so easily. If not, double check your linking system (use standard hrefs) to make sure the spider found it's way throughout the site. Don't fret if it takes two spiderings to get your whole site done by Google or Fast. Other se's are pot luck and doubtful that you will be added at all if not within 6 months.
M) Topic directories:
Almost every keyword sector has an authority hub on it's topic. Go submit within the guidelines.
N) Links:
Look around your keyword sector in Googles version of the ODP. (this is best done AFTER getting an odp listing - or two). Find sites that have links pages or freely exchange links. Simply request a swap. Put a page of on topic, in context links up your self as a collection spot.
Don't freak if you can't get people to swap links - move on. Try to swap links with one fresh site a day. A simple personal email is enough. Stay low key about it and don't worry if site Z won't link with you - they will - eventually they will.
O) Content:
One page of quality content per day. Timely, topical articles are always the best. Try to stay away from to much "bloggin" type personal stuff and look more for "article" topics that a general audience will like. Hone your writing skills and read up on the right style of "web speak" that tends to work with the fast and furious web crowd.
Lots of text breaks - short sentences - lots of dashes - something that reads quickly.
Most web users don't actually read, they scan. This is why it is so important to keep low key pages today. People see a huge overblown page by random, and a portion of them will hit the back button before trying to decipher it. They've got better things to do that waste 15 seconds (a stretch) at understanding your whiz bang flash menu system. Because some big support site can run flashed out motorhead pages, that is no indication that you can. You don't have the pull factor they do.
Use headers, and bold standout text liberally on your pages as logical separators. I call them scanner stoppers where the eye will logically come to rest on the page.
P) Gimmicks:
Stay far away from any "fades of the day" or anything that appears spammy, unethical, or tricky. Plant yourself firmly on the high ground in the middle of the road.
Q) Link backs:
When YOU receive requests for links, check the site out before linking back with them. Check them through Google and their pr value. Look for directory listings. Don't link back to junk just because they asked. Make sure it is a site similar to yours and on topic.
R) Rounding out the offerings:
Use options such as Email-a-friend, forums, and mailing lists to round out your sites offerings. Hit the top forums in your market and read, read, read until your eyes hurt you read so much.
Stay away from "affiliate fades" that insert content on to your site.
S) Beware of Flyer and Brochure Syndrome:
If you have an ecom site or online version of bricks and mortar, be careful not to turn your site into a brochure. These don't work at all. Think about what people want. They aren't coming to your site to view "your content", they are coming to your site looking for "their content". Talk as little about your products and yourself as possible in articles (raise eyebrows...yes, I know).

T) Build one page of content per day:
Head back to the Overture suggestion tool to get ideas for fresh pages.
U) Study those logs:
After 30-60 days you will start to see a few referrals from places you've gotten listed. Look for the keywords people are using. See any bizarre combinations? Why are people using those to find your site? If there is something you have over looked, then build a page around that topic. Retro engineer your site to feed the search engine what it wants.
If your site is about "oranges", but your referrals are all about "orange citrus fruit", then you can get busy building articles around "citrus" and "fruit" instead of the generic "oranges".
The search engines will tell you exactly what they want to be fed - listen closely, there is gold in referral logs, it's just a matter of panning for it.
V) Timely Topics:
Nothing breeds success like success. Stay abreast of developments in your keyword sector. If big site "Z" is coming out with product "A" at the end of the year, then build a page and have it ready in October so that search engines get it by December. eg: go look at all the Xbox and XP sites in Google right now - those are sites that were on the ball last summer.
W) Friends and Family:
Networking is critical to the success of a site. This is where all that time you spend in forums will pay off. pssst: Here's the catch-22 about forums: lurking is almost useless. The value of a forum is in the interaction with your fellow colleagues and cohorts. You learn long term by the interaction - not by just reading.
Networking will pay off in link backs, tips, email exchanges, and in general put you "in the loop" of your keyword sector.
Take Giacomos first post in the other thread mentioned above - he could have lurked, read, made his judgements, learned, and went off to write up his thesis. However, the step forward and the interaction has probably taught him far more about what he is concerned with than if you would have read the forums front to back. In the process he met some people that may in turn be useful resources in the future.
X) Notes, Notes, Notes:
If you build one page per day, you will find that brain storm like inspiration will hit you in the head at some magic point. Whether it is in the shower (dry off first), driving down the road (please pull over), or just parked at your desk, write it down! 10 minutes of work later, you will have forgotten all about that great idea you just had. Write it down, and get detailed about what you are thinking. When the inspirational juices are no longer flowing, come back to those content ideas. It sounds simple, but it's a life saver when the ideas stop coming.
Y) Submission check at six months:
Walk back through your submissions and see if you got listed in all the search engines you submitted to after six months. If not, then resubmit and forget again. Try those freebie directories again too.
Z) Build one page of quality content per day:
Starting to see a theme here? Google loves content, lots of quality content. Broad based over a wide range of keywords. At the end of a years time, you should have around 400 pages of content. That will get you good placement under a wide range of keywords, generate recip links, and overall position your site to stand on it's own two feet.
Do those 26 things, and I guarantee you that in ones years time you will call your site a success. It will be drawing between 500 and 2000 referrals a day from search engines. If you build a good site with an average of 4 to 5 pages per user, you should be in the 10-15k page views per day range in one years time. What you do with that traffic is up to you, but that is more than enough to "do something" with.

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